
AutoCAD Scale Factor Charts

AutoCAD Scale Factors Charts

Here are some simple charts to help you convert drawing scale to scale factor, for working in CAD

Convert your PDF to AutoCAD

Architectural Scales

1/16″ = 1′-0″ 192 1/192xp .0625″ = 1′-0″
3/32″ = 1′-0″ 128 1/128xp .09375″ = 1′-0″
1/8″ = 1′-0″ 96 1/96xp .125″ = 1′-0″
3/16″ = 1′-0″ 64 1/64xp .1875″ = 1′-0″
1/4″ = 1′-0″ 48 1/48xp .25″ = 1′-0″
3/8″ = 1′-0″ 32 1/32xp .375″ = 1′-0″
1/2″ = 1′-0″ 24 1/24xp .50″ = 1′-0″
3/4″ = 1′-0″ 16 1/16xp .75″ = 1′-0″
1″ = 1′-0″ 12 1/12xp 1″ = 1′-0″
1 1/2″ = 1′-0″ 8 1/8xp 1.5″ = 1′-0″
3″ = 1′-0″ 4 1/4xp  3″ = 1′-0″

Engineering Scales

1″ = 10′-0″ 120 1/120xp
1″ = 20′-0″ 240 1/240xp
1″ = 30′-0″ 360 1/360xp
1″ = 40′-0″ 480 1/480xp
1″ = 50′-0″ 600 1/600xp
1″= 60′-0″ 720 1/720xp
1″ = 70′-0″ 840 1/840xp
1″ = 80′-0″ 960 1/960xp
1″ = 90′-0″ 1080 1/1080xp
1″ = 100′-0″ 1200 1/1200xp

We can convert your PDF files to fully layered AutoCAD DWG files.


Send us your PDF for a free quote.


Send over your PDF plan to have it converted to fully layered vector CAD file.

Posted by Michael Mellor in AutoCAD tips

From hard to read, to blueprint scans, to clear, legible AutoCAD files

Here is an actual conversion we did for a customer. As you can see, the original scan is a hard to read floor plan, with lots of noise, and dark spots. This is common when scanning old blueprints. Our customer is doing a remodel on the house, and instead of redrawing the whole house from scratch, they saved a lot of time by having us convert their PDF to an AutoCAD DWG file. Now they can make changes to the walls, doors, windows, and fixtures. This service is also good for elevations, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, structural, and landscape plans. You can then work on it with AutoDesk AutoCAD, or any other CAD program that accepts DWG files.

Here’s the scanned blueprint floor plan

Original PDF scan that we used to convert to PDF

Original PDF scanned floor plan that we used to convert to PDF (click to enlarge)

As you can see, the scan is difficult to read, many lines are light, and there are a lot of blurry text. We took the scan, and redrew it in CAD.

Here is the AutoCAD DWG file

DWG AutoCAD file we were able to return to the customer so he could begin the remodel.

DWG AutoCAD file we were able to return to the customer so he could begin the remodel. (click to enlarge)


As you can see, this is a drastic difference. Our customer was given a professional, vector image, that is broken down into layers as  you can see in the image below:

Colored PDF with layers

Colored PDF with layers (click to enlarge)

The customer was extremely happy with the final product. The conversion took 24-hours, and the cost was less than $200. The customer is an architect, and said that “this would have taken me much longer, and cost me a lot more money.” We are happy to help out the construction industry take on more work. If you are interested in using this service for your construction or printing/reprographics company contact us.

For printing and document services, check out Del Mar Blue.

Posted by Michael Mellor
How do we convert to AutoCAD?

How do we convert to AutoCAD?

How do we convert to AutoCAD?

Hint: it’s not just done in seconds with software

One of the most common questions is, “how do you do it?” We take your file and redraw each line in AutoCAD.  This is much much more complex than simply using software to convert the the image to vector.  This ensures a quick, and accurate AutoCAD file, that can be manipulated just as it was designed by an architect or engineer. We can convert any type of plan, including architectural, landscape, interior, engineering, plumbing, electrical, and schematics.  This is also a good way to clean up hand drawn plans.

How this saves you money

Some people will say, “well I can do that on my own”, and that is true, but we do it for only $85 to $150 per page. That rate is very affordable for a project that can take you many hours. You cannot hire a drafter to redraw your plans for the price that we charge. This gives you more time, and higher profits. We can also do this for large jobs. We can have them done in batches of 100 for you, every month.

We convert the following types of plans:

  • Architectural
  • Structural
  • Engineering
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Grading
  • Landscape
  • Mechanical
  • Shop Drawings
  • Topographic Maps

We work with the following industries:

  • Construction
  • Building
  • Surveying
  • Health Care
  • Government
  • Education (Universities, K-12, Colleges)
  • Biotechnology
  • Software Development
  • General Contracting
  • Defense
  • Coastal Commissions
  • Airports

We work in all Autodesk applications. Convert2AutoCAD is a small, independently owned company located in Del Mar, California. No job is too small or too large. Contact us for a fast quote today.

Posted by Michael Mellor