
PDF2CAD vs. Convert2AutoCAD [video]

Can PDF2CAD do what we do?

The short answer is, not even close!

Many of our customers think that our PDF to DWG service is done with software. I decided to find a software that claims to do this, and tried it with the program PDF2CAD. This program is free for 30 days, and then you must pay $100. What this software does offer is a conversion of your PDF to a single layered DWG file, that looks exactly like your PDF. There are no lines, it’s only dots that are not easy to manipulate like vector lines. How is this program useful? It could be of use if you have a PDF that you just want to draw over, but it is not useful for manipulation.

“Use pdf2cad to transform vector PDF files into editable CAD drawings such as DXF and DWG saving hours of redraw time.”

This quite is taken from their website. This is only true if  you start with a multi-layered PDF. But if you have one of those, you can just import it into CAD and have the layers anyway. We can take a raw scanned PDF or TIF and convert it to DWG with layers, colors, layer names, and readable fonts. Everything is vector.

What makes Convert2AutoCAD better?

We redraw your plan by hand in AutoCAD by expert drafters. This is lets you manipulate each line and hatch, and your plans will look very clean. This is also useful for old plans that are difficult to read. They will look like brand new plans. Check out the video below to see both PDF2CAD and Convert2CAD converting the same scanned plan. Get a quote on conversions to CAD. Also our pricing is always on our website, so there will be no unexpected bills.

The video above compares PDF2CAD to Convert2AutoCAD.

Posted by Michael Mellor