
Revit 2022 – What’s new in this version?

Revit 2022 – What’s new in this version?

Lots of new toys for everyone

Autodesk has released Revit 2022, and it comes with many new features. Revit is the industry standard 3D design software for architects, engineers and designers. While AutoCAD is still leading the industry in 2D design, Revit takes it a bit further with 3D design. With Revit 2022, you will find improvements to tagging, schedules, annotations and grid displays. Architects can now make use of tapered and slanted walls. Engineers can now make use of the steel connections and enhanced rebar improvements. Other improvements include improved default color shame, enhanced RPC, improved compatibility with FormIt, and PDF export (yay!). Check out all the changes at the Autodesk website. We do offer both AutoCAD and Revit services. If you would like to get a quick quote, contact us.

Posted by Michael Mellor in Industry News
Convert your scans to CAD

Convert your scans to CAD

Single sheet or thousands of pages, we can handle all size orders

Convert your scans to CAD. We get orders ranging from a small sketch, to hundreds of sheets for large municipalities. Our rates are the lowest and we offer discounts of up to 25% off your entire order if you order 8 sheets in a single order. This can save you anywhere from $200 per job, to thousands in savings! Do you have a project that is hundred of pages? We can schedule out a plan to have at least 100 pages done per month. We have a dedicated team to have the work done for you quickly, and accurately.

Scan to CAD example from one of our customers.
Here is an example of a CAD file from a hand drawn plan scan.

How do we do it?

We work with large government municipalities, or small architects. We will give you a quote, and estimated time of completion. How are we able to do it? We have a team of skilled drafters that redraw your design in AutoCAD, giving you the a fully-layered 2D image to work with. Convert2AutoCAD can also provide 3D designs in Revit, Google Sketchup and any other BIM program you need.


Send over your PDF plan to have it converted to fully layered vector CAD file.

Use your layer standards

We use best practices for layer names, but you may not want to on your scans to cad project. Isn’t it nice to name your layers so they make sense to you? We can use your layer names and colors so they can easily match the rest of your work. Some people like very descriptive layer names, and some just like a few letters. Send us a screenshot of your normal layer names, and we can use that on all of your CAD conversion projects with us.

Custom CAD layer names and colors.
Here you can see some custom layer names and colors

Need changes? Grab a red pen!

We understand you may want to add a door, or take down a wall. Just simply grab a red pen, or any paint program and write your changes on the plan. We will make those changes to the CAD file for you. We have done whole home remodels this way.

CAD conversion redline markup changes.

Work with us!

It would be a pleasure to work with you on your next project. Not on a project? Feel free to contact us so we can let you know how we can improve your work flow, and save you valuable time and money.


Send over your PDF plan to have it converted to fully layered vector CAD file.

Posted by Michael Mellor
Revit Hotkey and Shortcuts Chart

Shortcut Commands by Category

Here is a list of commands, hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts for the Autodesk 3D design program Revit. If you would like to learn more about Revit and AutoCAD services, contact us.


DIALIGNED DIMENSION / Creates an aligned dimension.
DLDETAIL LINE / Creates view-specific lines.
ELSPOT ELEVATION / Displays the elevation of a selected point.
FRFIND/REPLACE / Find and replace.
RTTAG ROOM; ROOM TAG / Tags the selected room.
TGTAG BY CATEGORY / Applies tags to elements based on their categories.
TXTEXT / Adds text.


AAADJUST ANALYTICAL MODEL / Adjusts the analytical model of the structural member in relation to those of the elements to which it joins.
DCCHECK DUCT SYSTEMS / Examines the mechanical systems in a project to verify that each system is assigned to a userdefined system, and properly connected.
ECCHECK CIRCUITS / Verifies all circuits for proper connections to panels and valid system assignments.
LDLOADS / Applies point, line and area loads to a model.
LOHEATING AND COOLING LOADS / Prepares a heating and cooling load analysis report based on an existing building model.
PCCHECK PIPE SYSTEMS / Examines the piping systems in a project to verify that each system is assigned to a user-defined system, and properly connected.
PSPANEL SCHEDULES / Generates a panel schedule for a specific panel.
RARESET ANALYTICAL MODEL / Restores the analytical model alignment methods to auto-detect.


CLCOLUMN; STRUCTURAL COLUMN / Adds a vertical load-bearing element to the building model.
CMPLACE A COMPONENT / Place a component.
DRDOOR / Adds a door to the building model.
GRGRID / Places column grid lines in the building design.
LLLEVEL / Places a level in view.
RMROOM / Creates a room bounded by model elements and separation lines.
RPREFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.
RTTAG ROOM; ROOM TAG / Tags the selected room.
SBFLOOR:FLOOR: STRUCTURAL / Adds structural floors to a building model.
WAWALL; WALL:WALL: ARCHITECTURAL / Creates a non-bearing wall or a structural wall in the building model.
WNWINDOW / Places a window in a wall or skylight in a roof.


EREDITING REQUESTS / Displays a list of usersí requests to borrow elements in worksets, as well as pending requests.
RL or RWRELOAD LATEST / Loads the latest version of the central model.

Context Menu

MPMOVE TO PROJECT / Move the model relative to a shared coordinate system.
R3DEFINE A NEW CENTER OF ROTATION / Relocates center of rotation when rotating elements.
RARESTORE ALL EXCLUDED / Restores all excluded parts and elements.
RBRESTORE EXCLUDED MEMBER / Restores an excluded member.
RCREPEAT LAST COMMAND / Repeats the last command.
SASELECT ALL INSTANCES: IN ENTIRE PROJECT / Selects all of the elements that are similar to the selected element in the current view, or throughout the project.

Contextual Tabs

//DIVIDE SURFACE / Applies a division grid along a surface in a conceptual design.
AAADJUST ANALYTICAL MODEL / Adjusts the analytical model of the structural member in relation to those of the elements to which it joins.
ADATTACH DETAIL GROUP / Creates an attached detail group.
APADD TO GROUP / Adds elements to a group.
BSSTRUCTURAL BEAM SYSTEM; AUTOMATIC BEAM SYSTEM / Creates a layout that is used to control the number and spacing of a series of parallel beams.
CGCANCEL / Cancels an action.
DIALIGNED DIMENSION / Creates an aligned dimension.
EGEDIT GROUP / Edits a group.
ELSPOT ELEVATION / Displays the elevation of a selected point.
EPEDIT PAR / Edits a part element.
EUUNHIDE ELEMENT / Enables a hidden element to appear in view.
EWEDIT WITNESS LINES / Edits a witness line.
FGFINISH / Finishes editing a group.
HTSHOW HELP TOOLTIP / Displays the Help Tooltip.
JPJUSTIFICATION POINTS / Sets a justification point for relocating elements.
JYZOFFSET / Offsets an element in the z direction.
JZSHOW HELP TOOLTIP / Displays the Help Tooltip.
PP or CTRL-1 or VPPROPERTIES; TOGGLE PROPERTIES PALETTE / Toggles the Properties palette.
RARESTORE ALL EXCLUDED / Restores all excluded parts and elements.
RGREMOVE FROM GROUP / Removes elements from a group.
RHTOGGLE REVEAL HIDDEN ELEMENTS MODE / Toggles the Reveal Hidden Elements Mode.
RPREFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.
UGUNGROUP / Ungroups members of a group.
VUUNHIDE CATEGORY / Enables a hidden category to appear in view.


CMPLACE A COMPONENT / Place a component.
DALIGNED DIMENSION / Creates an aligned dimension.
FRFIND/REPLACE / Find and replace.
LLLEVEL / Places a level in view.
MDMODIFY / Enters selection mode to select elements to modify.
PP or CTRL-1 or VPPROPERTIES; TOGGLE PROPERTIES PALETTE / Toggles the Properties palette.
RPREFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.
TXTEXT / Adds text


ESMEP SETTINGS:ELECTRICAL SETTINGS / Accesses dialog box to specify wiring parameters, voltages definitions, distribution systems, cable tray and conduit settings, and load calculation and circuit numbering settings.
MSMEP SETTINGS:MECHANICAL SETTINGS / Accesses dialog box to configure component sizes, and the behavior and appearance of the mechanical systems.
SUADDITIONAL SETTINGS:SUN SETTINGS / Opens the sun settings dialog box.
UNPROJECT UNITS / Opens the Project Units tool.


ALALIGN / Aligns one or more elements with selected element.
ARARRAY / Creates a linear or radial array of selected elements.
CO or CCCOPY / Copies selected element(s).
CPCOPE; APPLY COPING / Applies coping to steel beam or columns.
CSCREATE SIMILAR / Creates an element of the same type as the selected element.
DEDELETE / Removes selected element(s) from the building model.
DIALIGNED DIMENSION / Creates an aligned dimension.
DMMIRROR – DRAW AXIS / Reverses the position of a selected model element, using a user-generated line as the mirror axis.
EHHIDE IN VIEW:HIDE ELEMENTS / Hides an element from view.
ELSPOT ELEVATION / Displays the elevation of a selected point.
EODOVERRIDE GRAPHICS IN VIEW:OVERRIDE BY ELEMENT / Changes the graphic display settings for selected elements in the current view.
LWLINEWORK / Overrides the line style of selected line in the active view only.
MAMATCH TYPE PROPERTIES / Opens the Match Type tool to convert one or more elements to match the type assigned to another element.
MMMIRROR – PICK AXIS / Reverses the position of a selected model element, using a selected line as the mirror axis.
MVMOVE / Moves a selected element.
OFOFFSET / Moves a selected model line, detail line, wall, or beam a specified distance perpendicular to its length.
PNPIN / Locks a model element in place.
PP or CTRL-1 or VPPROPERTIES; TOGGLE PROPERTIES PALETTE / Toggles the Properties palette.
PTPAINT / Opens the Paint tool.
RCCOPE:REMOVE COPING / Removes coping.
RESCALE / Resizes the selected element.
ROROTATE / Rotates selected element around an axis.
RPREFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.
SFSPLIT FACE / Divides the face of an element into regions for application of different materials.
SLSPLIT ELEMENT / Cuts an element (such as a wall or line) at a selected point.
TRTRIM/EXTEND TO CORNER / Trims or extend one or more elements to form a corner.
UPUNPIN / Unpins an element that is locked in position or an element that is driven by its host system.
VHHIDE IN VIEW:HIDE CATEGORY / Hides an element category from view.

Navigation Bar

322D MODE / Navigates the view using only 2D navigation options.
3FFLY MODE / Simulates flying through a model.
3OOBJECT MODE / Navigates and reorients the view in the direction of the controller cap.
3WWALK MODE / Simulates walking through a model.
ZAZOOM ALL TO FIT / Zooms to fit all in view.
ZE or ZF or ZXZOOM TO FIT / Zooms to fit.
ZO or ZVZOOM OUT(2X) / Zooms out the project view by 2X.
ZP or ZCPREVIOUS PAN/ZOOM / Returns to previous pan or zoom.l
ZR or ZZZOOM IN REGION / Zooms to a region.
ZSZOOM SHEET SIZE / Zooms to sheet size.


PCSNAP TO POINT CLOUDS / Snaps to point cloud.
SCCENTERS / Snaps to center
SEENDPOINTS / Snaps to endpoints.
SIINTERSECTIONS / Snaps to intersection.
SMMIDPOINTS / Snaps to midpoint.
SNNEAREST / Snaps to nearest.
SOSNAPS OFF / Turns snaps off.
SPPERPENDICULAR / Snaps to perpendicular.
SQQUADRANTS / Snaps to quadrant.
SRSNAP TO REMOTE OBJECTS / Snaps to objects that are not near the element.
SSTURN OVERRIDE OFF / Turns off override feature.
STTANGENTS / Snaps to tangent.
SWWORK PLANE GRID / Snaps to the work plane grid.
SXPOINTS / Snaps to points.


BMSTRUCTURAL FRAMING: BEAM / Adds a load-bearing structural beam element to the building model.
BRSTRUCTURAL FRAMING: BRACE / Adds diagonal members that are connected to beams and columns.
BSSTRUCTURAL BEAM SYSTEM; AUTOMATIC BEAM SYSTEM / Creates a layout that is used to control the number and spacing of a series of parallel beams.
CLCOLUMN; STRUCTURAL COLUMN / Adds a vertical load-bearing element to the building model.
CMPLACE A COMPONENT / Place a component.
FTSTRUCTURAL FOUNDATION: WALL / Creates a wall foundation for the building model.
GRGRID / Places column grid lines in the building design.
LLLEVEL / Places a level in view.
RNREINFORCEMENT NUMBERS / Defines or edits numbering sequences by partition for rebar and fabric sheets.
RPREFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.
SBFLOOR:FLOOR: STRUCTURAL / Adds structural floors to a building model.
WAWALL; WALL:WALL: ARCHITECTURAL / Creates a non-bearing wall or a structural wall in the building model.


ATAIR TERMINAL / Places a register, grille or diffuser.
CMPLACE A COMPONENT / Place a component.
CNCONDUIT / Draws a rigid conduit run.
CTCABLE TRAY / Draws a cable tray run.
CVCONVERT TO FLEX DUCT / Converts a section of rigid duct to flexible duct.
DADUCT ACCESSORY / Adds duct accessories, such as dampers, in duct systems.
DFDUCT FITTING / Places duct fittings (elbows, tees, end caps, and so on) in duct systems.
DTDUCT / Draws ductwork in the building model.
EEELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT / Places electrical equipment, such as panels and switch gear.
EWARC WIRE / Draws an arced wire run.
FDFLEX DUCT / Draws flexible ductwork in the building model.
FPFLEX PIPE / Draws flexible pipes.
LFLIGHTING FIXTURE / Adds a lighting fixture element.
MEMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT / Places mechanical equipment such as boilers, furnaces or fans.
NFCONDUIT FITTING / Places conduit fittings.
PAPIPE ACCESSORY / Adds pipe accessories.
PFPIPE FITTING / Draws a pipe fitting in a piping system.
PIPIPE / Draws rigid piping.
PXPLUMBING FIXTURE / Places a plumbing fixture.
RPREFERENCE PLANE / Creates a reference plane using drawing tools.
SKSPRINKLER / Places a sprinkler
TFCABLE TRAY FITTING / Places cable tray fittings.


FN9SYSTEM BROWSER / Finds components that are not assigned to a system.
KSKEYBOARD SHORTCUTS / Assigns key sequences to tools.
PP or CTRL-1 or VPPROPERTIES; TOGGLE PROPERTIES PALETTE / Toggles the Properties palette.
RDRENDER IN CLOUD / Renders 3D views online.
RGRENDER GALLERY / Enables access to multiple versions of renderings, render images as panoramas, change rendering quality, and apply background environments to rendered scenes.
RRRENDER / Creates a photorealistic image of the building model.
TLTHIN LINES / Displays all lines on the screen as a single width, regardless of zoom level.
VG or VVVISIBILITY/GRAPHICS / Controls the visibility and graphic display of model elements, datum elements, and viewspecific elements for each view in a project.
WCCASCADE WINDOWS / Arranges all open windows in a series in the drawing area.
WTTILE WINDOWS / See all open views at the same time.

View Control Bar

CXTOGGLE REVEAL CONSTRAINTS MODE / Toggles the constraints in a view.
GDGRAPHIC DISPLAY OPTIONS / Opens the Graphics dialog box.
HCHIDE CATEGORY / Hides all selected categories in the view.
HHHIDE ELEMENT / Hides an element from view.
HIISOLATE ELEMENT / Isolates selected elements.
HLHIDDEN LINE / Displays the image with all edges and lines drawn except those obstructed by surfaces.
HRRESET TEMPORARY HIDE/ISOLATE / Restores any temporarily hidden elements or categories.
ICISOLATE CATEGORY / Isolates selected categories.
RDRENDER IN CLOUD / Renders 3D views online.
RGRENDER GALLERY / Enables access to multiple versions of renderings, render images as panoramas, change rendering quality, and apply background environments to rendered scenes.
RHTOGGLE REVEAL HIDDEN ELEMENTS MODE / Toggles the Reveal Hidden Elements Mode.
RRRENDER / Creates a photorealistic image of the building model.
RYRAY TRACE / Opens Ray Trace visual style, enabling a photorealistic rendering mode that allows panning and zooming around the model.
SDSHADED WITH EDGES / Applies a shaded edge.
WFWIREFRAME / Displays the image of the model with all edges and lines drawn, but with no surfaces drawn.
Posted by Michael Mellor